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Visiting America’s capital

Feeling the fresh summer breeze coming in through my opened car window, I stare at the bright sky until a white tower — the Washington Monument — flashes into my vision, the first indication of nearing our nation’s historical capital, Washington D.C.

The 555-foot Egyptian-style obelisk stands in the middle of freshly cut grass and thick trees. American flags encircle the monument, showing love for our country. A long line of people wait patiently for a turn in the Washington Monument’s elevator to reach its observation deck.

I stand in front of the Washington Monument, admiring not only its elegant architecture, but also the meaning behind it. The white obelisk towers proudly over D.C., honoring our first president and brave war hero George Washington.

After my visit to the Washington Monument, I begin to walk through the serene gardens by the National Mall. The warm sunlight illuminates the beautiful plants, which makes me feel a warm welcome as I watch tourists pass by.

My walk comes to an end right in front of the Lincoln Memorial reflective pool. Excitement rises within me as I think about the protests for equal rights that took place around this pool. Farther ahead, the famous Lincoln Memorial becomes more visible.

Before entering the Lincoln Memorial to come face-to-face with President Lincoln’s statue, the very place where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have A Dream” speech back in 1963 can be seen.

Junior Shruti Daga says, “I think it is very good for students to go to the country’s capital and learn about the historical events that occurred in America.”

The Lincoln Memorial pays tribute to another one of our country’s influential presidents, Abraham Lincoln. The memorial reminds us of the president who did not let the U.S. separate into different countries, and who abolished slavery.

The statue of President Lincoln shows him sitting with great confidence as it looks out toward the National Mall. Lincoln’s second inaugural speech is carved on the walls around the statue.

After visiting the Lincoln Memorial, I make my way towards the White House, America’s presidential home. I crowd with tourists in front of the gates surrounding the White House in hopes of getting a photo of President Barack Obama’s current home. Feeling a tad bit smushed by the pushy tourists, I walk out of the crowd and quietly look at the White House from afar.

The construction of the The White House started in 1792 and since its completion in 1800, it has been the home of 42 American presidents.

Freshman Matthew Tinitigan says, “I think Washington D.C. is a great place to visit! You could go to Mount Rushmore or New York to see the wonders of this country, but D.C. is essentially a museum of monuments. It can’t get any better than that.”

The various monuments and statues decorating the capital are full of American history that gives us a sense of appreciation for the accomplishments our forefathers have achieved.

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