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10 ridiculous statements Rick Santorum has said

by SHARON CHANG Art Editor

10) “I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality.”- Rick Santorum believes that poor people are poor because they do not work hard and, therefore, do not deserve to make a lot of money. Wealthy people are rich because they always work hard for their money.

9) “[Contraception and birth control] are a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

8 ) Speaking in Le Mars, Iowa in December, Santorum promised to significantly reduce federal funding for food stamps, arguing that the nation’s increasing obesity rates render the program unnecessary.

7)“We have a right in the Constitution of religious liberty, but now the courts have created a super-right that’s above a right that’s actually in the Constitution, and that’s of sexual liberty and I think that’s wrong, that’s a destructive element.”

6) “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be….If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.”

5) Santorum stated that he not only defended insurers for denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, but he also argued that people who who are sick should pay higher premiums because they cost more money to insure.

4) I find it almost remarkable for [Obama] to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people,”- Santorum thinks Obama should oppose abortion because he’s black. Nationality and race has absolutely nothing to do with being for or against abortion.

3) “[Gay Soldiers are] in close quarters, they live with people, they obviously shower with people.” He also suggested that “there are people who were gay and lived the gay lifestyle and aren’t anymore.”

2) “People who can’t afford health care should stop whining about the high costs of medical treatments and medications and spend less on non essentials… healthcare, like a car, is a luxury resource that is rationed by society.” During a meeting with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register, Santorum recalled a story about a woman who said she was spending about $200 a month on life-saving prescriptions. His response to that was for her to stop complaining and lower her cable and cell-phone bills instead.

1) In a 2008 speech at Ave Maria University, Santorum said that “Satan has his sights on the U.S.” “Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those voices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has deeply rooted in the American tradition,”

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